About us

Ensolva connects a company and its business processes with suppliers and helps in managing their mutual communication.

Teamwork. User-centered. Procurement on the move.

Ensolva is a leading procurement tool that transforms the way you do business. Our passion is teamwork, with the user at the center of everything we do. With our innovative solutions and flexible approach, we enable procurement to be on the move, bringing the power of collaboration and efficiency to your business.


Our vision is to become a globally recognized leading solution for procurement management. We aspire to be industry innovators, bringing forth new ideas, technologies, and trends to shape the future of procurement. Our passion lies in creating an advanced digital environment that fosters collaboration, automation, and analytics, empowering organizations to make informed decisions, gain competitive advantages, and achieve long-term success in the world of procurement.


Our mission is to empower organizations worldwide to achieve procurement excellence through innovative software. Through our commitment to quality, user experience, and strategic partnership, we aim to provide a comprehensive solution that enables efficient procurement management, cost optimization, and increased transparency throughout the entire procurement process. We strive to be a key partner for procurement professionals, equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to achieve exceptional results.

Ensolva Timeline

All the enthusiasm and passion that we have invested in creating a powerful software tool specialized for procurement

Procurement research and analysis

Start of eProcurement software and market research and analysis


Start of development

Start of development of the eNabava procurement system


eNabava v1.0 (eSourcing)

Release of the first version of eNabava procurement System (v1.0) (eSourcing support only)


Implemented in Podravka

eNabava implemented in Podravka d.d., one of the largest food companies in SE Europe


eNabava v1.2 (eRequisitions)

Internal Client Portal developed with support for eRequisitions


eNabava v1.3 (eAuctions)

Reverse online eAuctions module developed


eNabava v2.0 (Cloud i eContracts)

Cloud (SaaS) version developed that included eContracts module and multilingul support


eNabava v2.1 (simple public procurement)

Support for simple public procurement developed


eNabava v2.5 (Procurement Analysis)

First release of the Procurement Analysis module


Implemented in HPB

Software implemented in Hrvatska Poštanska Banka, the largest Croation-owned bank


Ensolva v3.0 (rebranded)

eNabava rebranded to Ensolva in scope of v3.0 release


Ensolva v3.1 (ePurchase Orders)

ePurchase Orders module released as well as new types of eAuctions (Dutch, Japanese)


Implemented in the City of Koprivnica

Ensolva implemented and used by its first contracting authority - The City of Koprivnica


Implemented in Croatia Osiguranje d.d.

Ensolva implemented in Croatia Osiguranje d.d., the leading insurance company in Croatia


Ensolva v3.5 (Supplier Network)

Supplier Network module developed as well as support for Corporate groups


Implemented in Adris Group

Ensolva implemented in Adris Group and its subsidiary companies


Ensolva Toyuri v4.0

Ensolva is redesigned and becomes a fully web-based application


Implemented in Fortenova Group

Ensolva implemented in Fortenova Group, a large international conglomerate


Implemented in Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Ensolva implemented in Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group and its subsidiary companies


Ensolva Five UP v5.0

Full support for Euro currency and streamlined SAQ/SAS (Supplier Assessment Questionnaire and Scorecard) integration


Ensolva migrates to Oracle Cloud infrastructure

Ensolva migrates to Oracle Cloud Data Center for enhanced security, reliability, flexibility, and advanced analytics capabilities


"We rise by lifting others." - Robert Ingersoll

Meet our fantastic team of experts in IT, procurement, and marketing who combine their knowledge and experience into a unique force. Thanks to them, we provide top-notch service to our clients and achieve exceptional results.

Daniel Pavlić

Ensolva Brand Manager

Hari Zamlić

Engagement Manager

Snježana Cunjak

Customer Support Manager

Andrea Gubetin

Customer Support

Maja Krnjić

Customer Support

Viktor Vidas​

Senior Developer

Deni Vrban

Middle Developer

Dino Jukić

Middle Developer

Adrijan Hirnig

Junior Developer

Borna Maračić

Junior Developer

Orin Vukelić

Junior Developer

Ante Maras

Junior Developer
Marko Dragičević

Marko Dragičević

System Administrator

Get your business going

Transparently managing the costs of simple procurement with a procurement system