Advanced digital signature in procurement

Why digital signature in procurement?

How many procurement documents require signing? How much time does it take to collect signatures? Most will say way too much.

It is precisely the slowness of operational processes that is one of the most common problems cited by procurement professionals. This includes waiting time for the signature. Most companies still operate on the principle that documents are printed and physically carried to superiors’ offices. In the best case, a superior person is nearby. But what if the superior is absent and there are still a bunch of other documents waiting for his signature? Considering that many companies are located in several locations, so the documentation is sent by mail or carried by couriers, it often gets lost, and we know the cases when it was destroyed.

Advantages of certified digital document signing

  1. Remote signature, the possibility of signing at a distance without the need for physical presence
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Authenticity
  4. Undeniability
  5. The possibility of determining subsequent changes
  6. Security
  7. Elimination of unnecessary paperwork: savings and ecological business

Certified digital signing in Ensolva

The certificate, as a set of unique personal data, is found exclusively on the chip of the user’s ID card, for which the issuer (AKD) guarantees authenticity. In this way, no one else can get hold of it, nor it can be stolen or changed. The protected integrity of the chip represents the impossibility of subsequent changes to the document, and the signature becomes invalid in the event of an attempted change.

For digital signing, a card reader is necessary, which connects the identified physical identity card of the signatory to the computer, thus enabling Ensolva to access the certificate. When identifying the identity card is done, the user has to enter the PIN obtained during the activation of the identity card and select the document he wants to sign. Actions are performed by simply clicking on the “Sign” or “Reject signature” button. After the document is signed, the system informs the user about the successfully executed action.

Digital signature is the present

Due to its enormous advantages, the digital signature will very soon completely replace written signatures from long-term contracts to personal letters. Trust is the foundation of business, and with adequate digital support, it can strengthen it even more.


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