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e-auctions in procurement

How do online auctions bring significant savings in procurement?

Sail into the world of e-auctions, shaping the future of procurement. Explore functionality, benefits, and efficient implementation.
2 min read
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

How will the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) affect procurement?

Discover how the CSRD impacts procurement and business. Explore its effects on supply chain transparency, supplier selection, risk management.
2 min read
ESG reporting

How to prepare your company for ESG reporting: Steps toward sustainable business

Prepare your company for ESG reporting, lead in sustainable business. Understand ESG, set goals, integrate strategy, communicate with stakeholders for a sustainable future.
3 min read
Supplier Motivation

How to motivate suppliers to use E-auctions?

Discover strategies to motivate suppliers for e-auctions, enhancing business relationships through a guided transition.
3 min read

Get your business going

Transparently managing the costs of simple procurement with a procurement system