Case Study: Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Now we have an efficient and automated system that allows us to focus on strategic procurement activities and adapt processes to the needs of the business.

About the Project

Sector: ICT Company

Modules: Procurement Requisitions, Procurement Procedures, Procurement Project, Contract, Analysis and Reports

Number of users: 669

Period of using Ensolva: since January 2022.

Project Summary


  • Well-defined procurement process
  • Defining clear requirements for the new procurement system
  • Precise description of the technical specification
  • Digitizing all parts of the procurement process


  • Implementation of the Ensolva procurement system
  • Ensuring the traceability of procurement procedures
  • Ensuring the automation of certain steps in the procurement process
  • Transparent implementation of RfXs
  • Simplified supplier selection process
  • Analysis and reports module


  • Awareness of the quantity, duration and complexity of procurement activities
  • A more transparent process
  • Excellent communication with Ensolva customer support
  • Efficient and automated system
  • Focus on strategic procurement activities and adaptation of processes according to business needs
  • Digitization of the entire procurement process

Get your business going

Transparently managing the costs of simple procurement with a procurement system