What’s the Impact of Digital Transformation of Procurement on Your Company?

“It’s no longer the big beating the small, but the fast beating the slow.”
(E. Pearson)

What’s the Impact of Digital Transformation of Procurement on Your Business?

Researches on changes in the procurement process over the years often forget to mention how simple and easy Procurement is today. Thanks to advanced specialized software solutions, procurement professionals create requests, announce bidding, receive and analyze bids quickly and easily, and the whole process is automatically aligned with the company’s procurement policy.

Prior to the development of Cloud applications, procurement professionals were forced to fill in a bunch of paper forms for the purposes of purchasing, defining terms and negotiating. Thus many data were entered and duplicated in multiple forms. Except for taking away a lot of precious time, this way of doing work often caused errors. The core of procurement was bureaucracy, which caused the process to be very time-consuming and tedious. When procurement professionals tried to align requests with suppliers that offered most favorable prices and good quality, which was the right thing to do, they were exhausted at the end of the process.

The progress of technology has simplified everything. SaaS systems have improved the work process to the extent that, for example, a worker at a construction site can view the supplier catalogs and create a purchase request, order and arrange delivery via mobile phone, tablet or laptop as soon as the need for some of the material arises. Not to mention that the whole process is aligned with the procurement procedure of the organization.

Although the digital transformation of procurement began 30 years ago, the application of electronic procurement is expanding more and more every day. Earlier, procurement software solutions were used only in large companies that could afford them. Nowadays, with the development of Cloud services, e-Procurement is available to everyone. Online purchasing is part of everyday life, and innovation is reflected in aligning the procurement process with the company’s procedures. With the development of e-Procurement, everything became much simpler, which is also the biggest incentive for the reorganization of the procurement process. In addition to that, electronic procurement provides fast and quality cost analysis, contract and supplier management, generating savings and boosting competitiveness. In other words, the e-Procurement system is a platform that unifies the entire procurement process. As far as directors and senior management are concerned, e-Procurement is, like ERP, nowadays essential for quality business.

As always, the biggest challenge considering the implementation of eProcurement system is motivation and education of employees to encourage them to use technology. In Ensolva, we’ve solved that problem by developing an intuitive, simple and user-friendly interface, flexible and adaptable to the needs of any type of user. Considering that, there’s no long transition period and Ensolva can be used almost immediately, with minimal training.

Cloud Procurement – mobile and accessible, simplified the procurement process, raised its quality and ensured all the activities to be aligned with procedures defined. At last, eProcurement softwares showed how technology impacts success directly. Procurement brings direct value to companies. In case you already haven’t, start using Ensolva today and take advantage of the benefits digital transformation brings you!

Photo by Jannoon028 / Freepik


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Transparently managing the costs of simple procurement with a procurement system